Saturday, June 30, 2007

War For Territory/ The Male Domain

Tom boys, women with short hair, women wearing jeans and t-shirts, women wanting “men’s jobs”, invasion of the male domain of testosterone pumping sports, women wanting the seat down, women expecting men to not objectify them as sexual objects, barbecues, the list could go on. But is there any place in the female domain that men are allowed “invade”.

The invaders are inevitably labeled effeminate, pansy or gay in the extremes. Now often the labeling is carried out within the male domain itself, but every once in a while it is the women that behave territorially to even a prospective invasion of their space. Try getting your wife/girl friend to take you to her beauty salon or bring up the ethical question of male pregnancies and the bias, hypocrisy that is the female sex is evident.

And they have the audacity to question why we are so territorial when it comes to sports. I would like to clarify, right here and now, that my reluctance to allow women into what is predominantly a male sanctity of testosterone worship is not so much because I think it should remain singular in its sex-based membership, but more as far as principle. Women want separate times at the gym, swimming pools but somehow want to claim that they bear an equal if not greater burden.

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