Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tonight I Lay Awake

Some things torment us more than they should. Every waking moment is spent reliving our darkest fears, our deepest insecurities. Every moment we sleep, in search of solace, seeking respite from our waking nightmares; we are tormented by memories, recreations and manifestations.

Tonight will be such a night. I can feel it. I sense it in the air. Every strand of hair standing on edge in apprehension of what is to come, unspoken, yet silently present. Today, I will spend my waking hours fearful of the night. Come daylight, I shall wake, fearful of the cycle.

But in that, I take comfort - and pride. I return to an unyielding barrage of mental agony, with little more than the hope of a lowering tide, and the courage to ride out the crests.